Top 6 Ways to Get a Good Job Right After Graduation

Graduation is the end of your college experience, and the beginning of your career.

After college, many students seek employment opportunities. Many of them would want to pay off their education loans, be financially independent and want to advance their careers. Some get good jobs right after graduating, while some take time to find their entry to the corporate world. This article for those scholars who are finding it hard to get the good job for themselves.

Whenever you are ready, appointments are available, and you only need to look in the right direction. You can get resume writing services to make your resume look unique and professional.

Here are ways you can get a good job right after graduation.

1.   Specialise your Career

Specialising in a career has multiple benefits, like good pay. Some professions require specialised degrees for which a student must work hard. Because these are specialised and fewer people earn these degrees, there is less competition. Jobs with more competition offer less money.

Earning a specialised degree and knowledge of it makes you highly qualified, advancing your career. You also don't need to look much as recruiters will already be coming to you.

2.   Network

According to HubSpot, 85% of jobs are filled through networking.

Network as much as possible in your college years. Connect with your professors, guides and other professionals. Take a genuine interest in their conversations, research and work. Listen and expand your career perspective and knowledge about the industry by attending their seminars, workshops and other events.

You don't need to attend every other gathering. You can also build connections through your online profile, such as LinkedIn. You can connect with professionals in your field. Interact with their posts, and drop a message letting them know your interests. But don't send constant messages or emails if they don't respond. It's irritating!

You can also join community groups. They support finding jobs for someone right out of college, like you! Some companies do not publicly announce their job openings; they hire someone through recommendations or connections. You can pitch yourself here through your networks.

You can perfect your resume using resume writing services Australia. A resume is a perfect ice-breaker to get into your dream job.

3.   Do an internship

While still in your college, you can apply for internship roles and get the necessary experience. Many have a degree with no real-work expertise, so their application falls behind. Having experience is a potent booster. And many companies offer full-time employment after an internship if they are satisfied with the student's performance. 

According to the National Association of Colleges and Employers (NACE) study, 52% of participants claimed to have received job offers after the internship or even before graduation.

There are internship portals wherein you can find paid and unpaid internship openings. Select the one you like. You may consult your university's career advisors to aid you through this process. Consult resume writing services Australia for that exceptional resume that piques a recruiter's attention.

Ensure your network with as many people as possible during your internship duration. These connections are beneficial for further career prospects and recommendation letters. Enhance and expand your skills. Expand your knowledge by taking an active interest in the discussions within the company; but don't engage much in gossip. 

4.   Look for online courses while in college.

If you have time during college, utilise that by registering for online courses. There must be volunteer work, internships, online events and classes that you can take to gain knowledge. Their certifications enhance your profile, and you also benefit from using your time productively.

While recruiting, recruiters look for candidates who show strong initiative skills, are self-learners, and are self-motivated. Coursera, Skillshare, Udemy, EduLearn, etc., are some of the platforms to indulge in for learning.

You can contact resume writing services to help you find a suitable course that has maximum recruitment potential.

5.   A unique resume

While applying anywhere, a resume is the first thing that is required. A resume is where you need to pitch yourself as a brand. You must add essential information like name, contact address, qualifications, skills, and prior work experience (if any) and attach it to your portfolio. You may design it as per your field requirements. You may even modify it as per the recruiting company's requirements.

If you do not have prior experience, you can add your college club/organisation participation experience. Showcase your skills. According to the NACE "Job Outlook 2017" survey, "employers want college grads who can play well with others (78%), solve problems (77.3%), communicate (75%) and have a solid work ethic (72%)."

Get resume writing services to help you get that job interview. Convey your skills through your resume and let them know what you bring to the company. 

6.   Find a Mentor

A mentor assists you through your learning process and career paths. You may discuss your career goals with them. They are professionals who can provide some information and insight into the industry. They can help you navigate your journey and provide the boost you might need.

Building a solid mentor-student relationship enables you to improve yourself. The mentor may provide essential constructive criticism. You can find a field mentor through networking, LinkedIn, etc. Drop them a message saying their profile is inspiring and has motivated you to (ABC). You are an upcoming (XYZ) who is seeking to upskill themselves. It would be of great honour if they could mentor you.

Approach Resume Writing Services in Australia to find suitable mentors with varied experience and knowledge.

Is it hard to get jobs after graduation?

Many reasons, like being unprepared for employment, insufficient research, poor networking skills, etc., prolong the work. Some students get job offers after three to six months of graduation, as per the University of Washington.

Don't be disappointed if you do not get a job right away. There is no reason to keep working at a disastrous company that doesn't provide enough pay or a suitable working environment. You must know your value and have the self-esteem to not put up with work or human violations.

It is advised by North Central College always to keep your resumes ready to prepare yourself for career fairs and other events. A resume always proves beneficial as the recruiter or the professional is reminded of the conversation you shared. They would consider your resume seriously if you two had hit off together. 

Consider preparing your resume or getting it professionally checked if you already have one. Resume writing services are the best as they are resume experts who are familiar with every sector's requirement. We recommend you approach My Essay Mate for their easy accessibility and 24*7 availability. They look at your resume thoroughly and provide professional feedback. They are updated regarding the new developments in every field and can direct you towards the best.

Their experts are original thinkers who provide timely delivery without any errors. Skilled and creative, they promise what they offer. Contact them to learn more.


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